An ode to your loved ones. As its name suggests, it is still evolving into new forms. So far, it has appeared on stages around NL, on national radio as a choir piece, and as an expanded translation, poster, film, and birth card.
A sweet balm to your nature-starved soul. Experience as a text or a trio of choir pieces, the Glasshouse Cycle (composed by Diederik van der Laag).
A tiny moment to dance with life's imperfect edges. Published in Dichteren Leesten, March 2023 edition.
Explore the roaring existential crises of youth. Two poems published in Twenty-two Twenty-eight.
Zet je tanden in een heerlijk stukje stilte. Gedicht van de Maand (Mei 2023) voor Stiching Granate.
How Machines Work
So you want to know, do you? An expanded translation of the combined works of Gerry van der Linden, Adriaan Jaeggi and Wordbites, prepared for The Next Gen's TECH KNOW Fest.
Op een lentedag in 2023 werden de stoepen van Amsterdam Nieuw-West versierd met plaatselijke poëzie. Georganiseerd door Stichting Granate.
You can preview my first body of poetry here.
Ode to the feminine nature in everyone. Original poem, plus an expanded Dutch translation by Wordbites.
Poem published in the Spring 2024 edition of Pathways Magazine.